Betwixt I am so am

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Where thoughts and pics do flow

Friday, 20 January 2012

Emos aren't depressed, they just have dangerously high levels of emoglobin that need to be excreted via wrist


The origin of emoism is much debated, but it is thought to have first manifested in the modern form during the 1990's.

Another theory is that emos are suffering from a defect in the center of endorphins.
It goes so much happiness hormone lost that from puberty simply not sufficient to a normal life to lead.

Some sources believe that the concept of "emo" originated in the late 1980's, as a way to describe a branch of hardcore punk that appeared in the 1980's, with "emo" being short for "emotive/emotional hardcore/emoxcore/emocore/whatever" but everybody on the internet knows that "emo" means "angsty kids who take pictures of themselves in a mirror on MySpace or Facebook or Twitter for that matter"
It is also debated that "emo" is a subculture which stemmed from goths, which stemmed from the punk culture,which stemmed from the tophats. This is largely debatable and difficult to prove considering the drastic differences between the "goth" and "emo" subcultures: goths kill kittens, emos cry when kittens are killed  Emos wear tight pants, goths wear the famous parachute pants.


Emo clothing is typically black, mixed with smaller amounts of shockingly bright colors, especially, but not limited to, their hair. While emo hair is mostly black, there are often flamboyantly bright highlights.

Emos tend to favor one-eyed hair cuts. Some believe this hairstyle to have stemmed from a lack of self-esteem or more commonly believed that they only have one eye. 

It is often very difficult to identify the gender of an emo.
They can be easily identified by their ridiculously tight jeans if male (stolen from sister's closet or bought at Edgars). Specifically for the males, wearing tight pants,  white studded belts, and small band t-shirts are prevalent. Piercings, eyeliner, and long hair are also common but not necessary and don't forget those sneakers


A majority of those in the emo subculture are vegetarians.
Emos, like most vegetarians, are not without blatantly bashing meat eating and meat eaters. It is common to see an emo eating a large salad, fruits, and vegetables while looking rather pathetically at a "normal" person consuming a tasty hamburger.
Did you know...
It is 100% absolutely true that being "emo" constitutes committing self-harm, writing poetry, being depressed, and identifying one's self as bisexual. There are many other characteristics of the emo subculture, but further research is needed to accurately describe them.
Others who push the self-righteousness further follow the "sxe" lifestyle, also known as "Straight Edge", where they refuse to drink, smoke, eat or have sex.  thank God for that choice.


Emos are known for their often self-inflicted pain.
The reason for this is that emos tend to produce gargantuan amounts emoglobin, a hormone which causes depression, shitty hairstyles, and an introverted attitude.
Contrary to emo belief, cutting oneself does not release this hormone.
Unfortunately, emos produce no amount of the hormone known as common sense, so that rules the last option out.
Some emos make the outlandish claim that they inflict pain on themselves because nobody likes them, and that's why they cut themselves.
Though the statement that nobody likes them is the truest thing to ever be documented, that's not the real reason that emos cut; it's all in the emoglobin.

“Every cut I make is for all the people who say they will be there for me but aren’t, for the people who say they love me but don’t, and for all those broken promises.” 

“We can’t help feeling hurt, but being miserable is always our decision.” 
“I found a box of sharp objects today. Oh, such a beautiful thing.” 
“And he takes the razor from her hands and whispers to her, “Just pretend you’re pretty.” 


From start to finish I wonder why
The cuts look good in this messed up lie
The blood that trickles down my arm
People all stare at the girl who self-harms:-

"The emo" they call me
I turn to my name
They act out slicing their wrists
I hang my head in shame
I can't help my feelings
Of being alone

I hide myself for the day
Just longing to go home
I sprawl on my bed
With my razor in hand
And take myself away
To a much better land
I stare in the mirror
And let myself cry
Looking forward to the day
That I finally die


Tuesday, 17 January 2012

After the rain

Whatever your cross,
whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine,
after the rain

Perhaps you may stumble,
perhaps even fall,
But God’s always ready,
                                                              To answer your call

He knows every heartache,
sees every tear,
A word from His lips,
can calm every fear

Your sorrows may linger,
throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish,
in dawn’s early light

The Savior is waiting,
for you to receive,
To give you His grace,
and send you His love ...

Whatever your cross,
whatever your pain,
“God always sends rainbows
after the rain.”

Monday, 16 January 2012