Wikipedia - "Travel is the movement of people or objects (such as airplanes, boats, trains) and other conveyances) between relatively distant geographical locations"
Now once that little travelling virus has bitten
There is not much you can do BUT to fulfill that urge
As it grows like a tree, uncut, untamed into your soul
It spreads it's virus into every nook and cranny
Urging you
Prompting you
to fulfill the need like a drug.
I have stayed in many countries and have friends in many but most importantly my family stay in the USA
My most memorable is:- Kenya
Working up north at the Tanzanian border
A small tribe (in those days unknown) stayed called: "Rendile"
We worked with the founders of the organization: "Nick & Lynn Swanepoel"
These guys herd camels and livestock.
Their entire lives revolve around their animals
Their distinctive source of food is: the blood of their animals.
During the dry months the animals become very thin due to being "over-bled"
My first word that I learned there was: "Dubrok" = which literally means "Get your ass out of the way"
That's the polite way of saying: "Please move aside"
Now I have traveled to Europe
The America's but my next favourite spot is:
I stayed for more than two (2) year, during the war period in a town called : Lobito
On an island, in this beautiful house
(when you look at this photo, we stayed towards the end on the right hand side)
This is the house we stayed in.
This was still during the internal war that had been raging.
Oh how I cried and wept there
The heartache was tremendous
You never rode anywhere in your landrover without your personal guardas (guards).
But oh, the beauty of some of the places .....
Praia da Baía Azul - my faovurite swimming spot
Conclusion - I need to travel this year - it's burning here in my soul .....