Betwixt I am so am

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Friday, 13 January 2012

Psychopathic/Sociopathic Tendencies - The Kotze Case made me think

The psychopath is one of the most fascinating and distressing problems of human experience.  For the most part, a psychopath never remains attached to anyone or anything. They live a "predatory" lifestyle. 

They feel little or no regret, and little or no remorse - except when they are caught.
They need relationships, but see people as obstacles to overcome and be eliminated.   If not,  they see people in terms of how they can be used. They use people for stimulation, to build their self-esteem and they invariably value people in terms of their material value (money, property, etc..). 
A psychopath can have high verbal intelligence, but they typically lack "emotional intelligence". 

They can be expert in manipulating others by playing to their emotions. 

There is a shallow quality to the emotional aspect of their stories (i.e., how they felt, why they felt that way, or how others may have felt and why). 

The lack of emotional intelligence is the first good sign you may be dealing with a psychopath.

The following is a list of items based on the research of Robert Hare, Ph.D. which is derived from the "The Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised, .1991, Toronto: Multi-Health  Systems." 

  • glibness/superficial charm
  • grandiose sense of self worth
  • need for stimulation/prone to boredom
  • pathological lying
  • conning/manipulative
  • lack of remorse or guilt
  • shallow emotional response
  • callous/lack of empathy
  • parasitic lifestyle
  • poor behavioral controls
  • promiscuous sexual behavior
  • early behavioral problems
  • lack of realistic long term goals
  • impulsivity
  • irresponsibility
  • failure to accept responsibility for their own actions
  • many short term relationships
  • juvenile delinquency
  • revocation of conditional release
  • criminal versatility
A psychopath is not the same as an antisocial personality.

Antisocial personalities may or may not be psychopathic.  The antisocial personality is primarily a problem involving a failure to respect the right of individuals, the law and rules of society.   

Psychopathy involves poor emotional intelligence, the lack of conscience, and an inability to feel attached to people except in terms of their value as a source of stimulation or new possessions.  There are many expressions and forms of psychopathy.  

You get different types of psycopaths:-

Some psychopaths are called charismatic psychopaths, they use charm to harm
They are attractive liars. smooth talkers who almost possess a demonic ability to persuade others to part with everything they own, be it relationships to money
they glib and are irresistible

Evil personified

These are the "well-known" ones - the sexual psycopath. Their crimes tend to be dispassionate, instrumental and practical. The rapers, killers

Some are highly intelligent and have shown great promise as professionals

A boy who cruelly harasses his peers at school will not necessarily turn out a thug, but such a cruel streak may be an early clue of an aggressive psychopathic personality. 

The Joburg nightclub bouncer Gary Beuthin displayed these tendencies from an early age, he assaulted his girlfriend viciously after she’d left him stranded at a nightclub.
As she lay spurting blood on a concrete floor he callously said, ‘‘I don’t care if the bitch dies!’’
This is typical of an aggressive psychopath who likes to hurt, frighten and manipulate. 

Ranters and Ravers

A so-called ‘‘distempered psychopath’’ regularly flies into a frenzied rage- this might be your boss
They have strong sex drives and powerful cravings are common, ranging from gambling, drug addiction and kleptomania to paedophilia.
They like the endorphin ‘‘high’’ of excitement and risk-taking. 
These people show no remorse after nearly beating their wife, girlfriend or child to death. 

 Psychopaths vs Sociopaths
Within the bigger group of psychopaths there is a subgroup called sociopaths – although the difference between them is quite blurred. Sociopaths also have a complete disregard for the feelings of others and don’t show any remorse for what they’ve done, but they’re not as coldly calculating and manipulative as psychopaths – they’re more prone to breaking the rules of society because they’re impulsive and unable to control their urges.
The scary bit is you’re more likely to trust a psychopath than a sociopath because they can be so charming and because they know instinctively what your weaknesses are.
The sociopaths you may come across can be rebellious or withdrawn, real rotters on the fringes of society – or someone as close to you as your domineering boss. 

 Sociopaths: do you know any of these types?

Rebels: Rebellious sociopaths especially enjoy and take pride in bending or breaking rules.  As adults they move around a lot – from one lowpaying dead-end job to another – or they take advantage of welfare systems. They seem happy with their lives as vagrant rebels and are not burdened by low self-esteem. 

Outsiders: Called ‘‘alienated sociopaths’’ these outsiders seem to live in a shell. They have a cold attitude towards human suffering and social problems. Dating them or getting married to them will lead to a barren, empty existence. They’re the kind of people who never get along with the neighbours and always have a gripe; who feel they were cheated in some way by society. And quite frankly, my dear, they just don’t give a damn – simply because they’re unable to. 

Gangsters: Typical outcasts, these ‘‘dyssocial sociopaths’’ are attracted by other outcasts and ‘‘bad eggs’’. They’re capable of intense loyalty to bad companions. Because of the poor choices they make they always seem to fall upon bad luck and complain that none of it is their fault. 

Snakes in suits: Look around you and you’re sure to recognise them. They’re the kind of people who’re obsessed with money and power. And so they go to work – in the modern corporate world, where high risks often mean big profits. 
They polish their domineering manner and seek out positions of power. They can be teachers, bureaucrats, supervisors and police officers. And they’re parents too. 
They employ underhand methods and may systematically sabotage the ideas of others to get their own schemes in place. They usually get their way – and if you resist or cross them they get vindictive. 

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