Keeping the sexual spark alive in a marriage or in a long-term relationship is easier said than done.
However, couples who take time to cultivate and maintain healthy and satisfying sexual relations tend to be more connected with each other and do not suffer from depression, heart problems and other health maladies, experts say.
The daily routines and humdrum of life — whether careers, children or financial responsibilities — challenge couples to keep alive that flame that initially brought them together.
From a practical standpoint, there's less time for sex and intimacy as relationships develop and individual partners take on more responsibilities.
This is an act that was instituted by God
Respect must be earned.
In all too many marriages, it is impossible for the wife to respect her husband, and in other marriages it is impossible for the husband to respect his wife.
Instead of commanding respect, God commands treating with respect.
To honor means to treat with respect.
Instead of a selfish and prideful fight for power, they should become "one" in their desire to please god, in their desire to serve Him, in their desire to fulfill their respective roles in marriage, and in their desire to help each other become more and more Christ-like.
Marriage can be likened to two trees.
The husband should be like the oak tree. He is to be stronger, and he is to protect his wife from the winter winds. She is to be like the apple tree, not as strong but with a godly beauty, usefulness, and fragrance.
If two trees are too close together, they do not have limbs all of the way around. If a husband loves his wife biblically, he will give her opportunity, space, and encouragement to develop "limbs all of the way around."
However, couples who take time to cultivate and maintain healthy and satisfying sexual relations tend to be more connected with each other and do not suffer from depression, heart problems and other health maladies, experts say.
The daily routines and humdrum of life — whether careers, children or financial responsibilities — challenge couples to keep alive that flame that initially brought them together.
From a practical standpoint, there's less time for sex and intimacy as relationships develop and individual partners take on more responsibilities.
This is an act that was instituted by God
Respect must be earned.
In all too many marriages, it is impossible for the wife to respect her husband, and in other marriages it is impossible for the husband to respect his wife.
Instead of commanding respect, God commands treating with respect.
To honor means to treat with respect.
Instead of a selfish and prideful fight for power, they should become "one" in their desire to please god, in their desire to serve Him, in their desire to fulfill their respective roles in marriage, and in their desire to help each other become more and more Christ-like.
Marriage can be likened to two trees.
The husband should be like the oak tree. He is to be stronger, and he is to protect his wife from the winter winds. She is to be like the apple tree, not as strong but with a godly beauty, usefulness, and fragrance.
If two trees are too close together, they do not have limbs all of the way around. If a husband loves his wife biblically, he will give her opportunity, space, and encouragement to develop "limbs all of the way around."
- The average human loses 26 calories when kissing for a minute. Furthermore, vigorous sex for half an hour burns 150 calories (you can lose three pounds in a year – if you have sex 7 to 8 times a month). Kissing is also very good for your teeth: the extra saliva released during the act helps to keep the mouth clean – reducing the risk of decay.
- 48% of Englishmen fall asleep during sex
- 3% of woman having sex, plan household chores
- "Axillism" - is using the armpit for sex (not a good idea...)
- The term “blow job” comes from the Victorian times
- In Victorian times, a slang term for a prostitute was “blowsy”.
- At the same time, “blow” was slang for ejaculation.
- Consequently, by the 1930s, the act of fellatio came to be known as a blow job.
- It was also used to describe jet planes in World War Two.
- In Ancient Greece, the common slang for a blow job was “playing the flute”.
- Today the government issues "Support our Troops" paraphernalia; however government-issued brochures and videos featured a slightly different slogan during the WWII era – "Don't forget – Put it on before you put it in." During World War II, many soldiers returned home with venereal diseases, costing the government millions of dollars in medical expenses.
- During World War II, condoms were used to cover rifle barrels from being damaged by salt water as the soldiers swam to shore.
- A man's beard grows fastest when he anticipates sex
- In Hong Kong, adulterous husbands get more than a steep monthly alimony payment – a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her husband if he cheats on her – but she may only do so with her bare hands.
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