Betwixt I am so am

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Where thoughts and pics do flow

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Empty Nest

Through out the years
Beating like a proud old tree
Stood a mother, with loving heart
Beside a nest  

With babies young
The world beyond their sight
Their little wing
So bold ....

How would I know

That these little birds would leave the nest
So soon .... together
Bold to meet the nearby world

With mommy hesitant, all so knowing,
That her babies had not finished growing.
But knowing they needed that freedom,
Not willing to let her babies leave her.


The little birds, so eager to try their wings,
Thoughts of the new world, losing their strings,

Jumped so far
The world at last, under their wings


And they flew through the air,
Into the world so vast,
Leaving the only home that they had known,
To go into world ....  the breaking of dawn.

The empty nest will always be there,
But visited with love and care,
The empty nest will be a guiding light,
A home for hope and stars so bright.

But remember dear babies
That the love of a mother
For their babies never did fade or die.

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